B2B Bank News

Whether you’re single, in a couple, and with or without children, it’s always essential to make your budget, stick to it and adjust it over time to improve your financial health. This exercise, which may seem unnecessary for some people or too demanding for others, is a must to better understand your expenses and sources of income, adopt good financial habits, and determine and improve your financial leeway. It enables you to prioritize and carry out your short- and medium-term projects, as well as achieve your financial objectives.


How to make your budget?

test article

Four benefits of consolidating your assets

We often say that you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket. What about your finances? While it's important to diversify your investments, that doesn't have to mean holding accounts at multiple financial institutions. You can diversify your investments by pooling your assets under one roof. Here are four advantages of consolidating your assets within the same financial institution: