Working with Life Insurance Companies

For generations, Canadians have sought the financial protection offered by policies issued through life insurance companies – one of three pillars of the financial services industry.

But today, products traditionally offered by insurance companies have expanded into the realm of wealth accumulation and management. And for that reason, your MGA and advisor network face stiff competition in the marketplace. B2B Bank understands your key issues. As a long-time provider of high-quality products and services, we've developed relationships with an array of financial distributors and their representatives that have translated into innovative and improved offerings. Our investment lending program, for example, complements many of the segregated fund products that you currently manufacture.

What's the bottom line for you?

B2B Bank is adaptable and uniquely suited to supporting you and your varying needs. And as our industry continues to evolve, we're committed to working with insurance companies to realize our common goal: providing opportunities to Canadians for generations to come.

This information is intended for financial intermediaries only.