High Interest Investment Account (HIIA) Workflow

Follow these steps:


Make sure your dealer has a Distribution Agreement in place with B2B Bank.

If you're unsure, contact your dealer head office or B2B Bank's client services at 1‑800‑263‑8349.


Access Fundserv as you would for any other transaction.

HIIA transactions are allowed only through Fundserv in nominee or intermediary accounts which can be non-registered or registered.

Intermediary Accounts:

  • If your HIIA is held in a B2B Bank® Dealer Services¹ Investment Account, use one of the following codes as applicable:
    • MRS - B2B Bank Financial Services
    • MSSI - B2B Bank Securities Services
    • MRCC - B2B Bank Intermediary Services
  • Other Intermediaries, check with the particular intermediary to obtain the correct code that should be used.

Place your order – either deposit (purchase) or withdrawal (redemption).

The Fundserv code for A Series (with a 25 bps trailer) is BTB 100; for F Series, the code is BTB 101.

Please note that for all initial deposits, you must provide your client with a Client Information Document which outlines some of the important features of the account.


Settlement occurs on T+1.

On trade date, orders must be placed before 4:00 p.m. (ET) in order to settle on T+1.


Transaction details will be sent to the dealer or intermediary to update the account.

Your client will receive:

  • Statements issued by the dealer or intermediary;
  • T5s (for non-registered accounts) issued by B2B Bank;
  • Contribution receipts (for registered accounts) issued by the dealer or intermediary;
  • T4s (for registered accounts) issued by the dealer or intermediary.

1B2B Bank Dealer Services includes B2B Bank Financial Services Inc., B2B Bank Securities Services Inc., and B2B Bank Intermediary Services Inc. B2B Bank Financial Services Inc. and B2B Bank Securities Services Inc. are members of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) and members of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF). B2B Bank Intermediary Services Inc. is operating in Quebec and regulated by the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF). B2B Bank is a trademark used under license.