- Fixed terms of 1 - 5 years
Eligible properties
- 1 - 2 units
- Owner-occupied
- New construction or existing properties
Payment frequencies
- Monthly, weekly, bi-weekly, accelerated weekly, accelerated bi-weekly
Pre-payment privileges
- Increase payments by up to 15% once per calendar year1
- Pre-pay up to 15% of original principal once per calendar year
Maximum amortization
Loan amounts
- $50,000 up to $500,000 (loan amount is assessed on a case by case basis)
- Maximum equity withdrawal: up to $50,000 (equity withdrawal amount is assessed on a case by case basis)
Documentation requirements
- Most recent NOA to confirm no tax arrears, and
- A signed Letter of Attestation of Income
And one or more of the following, as applicable:
- Accountant-prepared financial statements
- Accountant's letter
- Three to six months' bank statements to demonstrate the existence of cash flow and/or demonstrate the repayment record of existing mortgages or rent
Any one of the above may also be supported with copies of contracts, or sales orders or Business License.
Employment history and the income being declared as stated income must be deemed reasonable for the profession or occupation listed.
Note: Documentation requirements may vary on a case by case basis