Working with Insurance Agents

You sell peace of mind for a living. It's a rewarding job, but one that requires serious support and dedication from your services provider. At B2B Bank, our goal is to provide high-quality products and exceptional service to one of the fastest-growing and most competitive industries today: insurance.

As Canada's population ages, so does its appetite for diverse investment options and retirement products. And, as the traditional role of insurance agent merges with other wealth management services, you are likely offering integrated solutions to your clients. That's where we can help. Our products complement those you already offer through insurance companies - so you can confidently recommend more options to your clients. For example, in addition to GICs and RSP loans, we also offer investment loans for segregated funds through distribution alliances with many of today's leading insurance companies. And that's just the start.

What's the Bottom Line for You?

These are exciting times – and B2B Bank is actively finding solutions to meet your unique needs. We're committed to building a first-class banking experience that will open opportunities for you and your clients.

This information is intended for financial intermediaries only.