Voluntary Codes of Conduct are non-legislated commitments, voluntarily made by companies, associations and other organizations to influence or control behaviour, for the benefit of both themselves and their communities. Voluntary codes and commitments can address the needs of consumers, workers and citizens while helping companies remain competitive.
The banking industry has developed and is committed to several voluntary codes designed to protect consumers.
Commitment to Provide Information on Mortgage Security
Banks that offer residential mortgages agree to provide consumers shopping for a mortgage loan with certain comparative information about collateral charge and conventional charge mortgages to help consumers choose the mortgage product that best suits their needs.
Commitment on Powers of Attorney and Joint Deposit Accounts
Banks that accept Powers of Attorney from or open joint deposit accounts for clients agree to provide clients with certain information to help clients understand the implications of using them.
Online Payments
Consumer and industry responsibilities related to the use of online payment systems in Canada.
Canadian Code of Practice for Consumer Debit Card Services
Industry practices and consumer and industry responsibilities related to debit cards.
Guidelines for Transfers of Registered Plans
What to expect and where to get help when transferring a registered savings plan (RSP) between financial institutions.
Principles of Consumer Protection for Electronic Commerce: A Canadian Framework
A guide to protecting customers in online transactions, developed with input from industry, government and consumer groups.
Model Code of Conduct for Bank Relations with Small- and Medium-Sized Businesses
Model code of conduct for bank dealings with small- and medium-sized businesses. The key elements of the model code are incorporated into individual bank codes.
Plain Language Mortgage Documents — CBA Commitment
A commitment by Canada's banks to improve readability of residential mortgage documents.
Code of Conduct for the Delivery of Banking Services to Seniors
The Code of Conduct sets out principles that apply to banks to guide them when they deliver banking products and services to Canada's seniors. The principles cover topics such as policies and procedures, effective communication, training, and resources for employees and representatives.
Whistleblowing Notices and Anonymous Reporting
The Bank, as a subsidiary of Laurentian Bank of Canada, has improved its process for the anonymous submission of Whistleblower Notices through an independent Third-Party Service Provider, Clearview Connects.
Please visit the “Whistleblower Policy & Reporting Hotline” page for contact details.