e/Forms is a program which includes most B2B Bank forms from the web. It allows users to fill in the blanks electronically with smart links to leading contact and client management software. The program allows common client profile information such as name, address, DOB and SIN to be imported directly to any pre-selected form. Dealer and representative information is also imported. e/Forms is a faster and electronic alternative to completing forms.
Click here to download the setup file for e/Forms. To install the e/Forms program on your system, simply run the setup file you have downloaded. Using e/Forms for the first time and need help? Click here.
Please note, to be able to read and print particular forms, your system requires Adobe® Acrobat® ReaderTM 7.0 or greater. To download the latest version of this software, Click here.
Additional software requirements may be needed to download your clients' profile information. Contact software support includes ACT!, Axis, Broker's Ally Version 7, CCB, Goldmine, Investment Gold, Maximizer Version 5.0, Microsoft Outlook 98, Power Rep Version 200bc0, and Winfund FrontOffice.
For more information, please contact ScanTech technical support at 1.866.709.9666.
Upgrade available for B2B Bank e/Forms users
B2B Bank e/Forms users have the option available to upgrade to the full version of e/Forms financial software. This is good news for the financial advisor! Currently, your version of e/Forms contains only the B2B Bank forms. The full version contains all B2B Bank forms, plus over 700 industry standard forms from 68 Mutual Fund Companies.
[Click Here] for more information.
For forms related to Investment Accounts and Services, please visit the B2B Bank® Dealer Services¹ website.